Thẻ Xanh Thẻ Bạc Thẻ Vip
International Domain 5% 7% 10%
Vietnam Domain 3% 5% 10%
Hosting 5% 7% 15%
Email Server 5% 7% 15%
Cloud Server 5% 7% 10%
Dedicated Server 2% 3% 5%
Lưu ý Applies to both Subscription and Renewal.
.VN Domain Name only reduced on service fee.
Not applicable in conjunction with other programs.
For every 200,000VND New registration or Service renewal, you will earn 1 Point, which will be added directly to your account (>0.5 points will be rounded to 1 point).
It is allowed to use the points of many different customer codes to change the card (must have the consent of the customer who will lose the points and the recipient will only get 50% of the points).


Green Card Silver Card VIP Card
Score 100 Score 300 Score 500 Score
Note You can change the card as soon as you have enough points or accumulate more to exchange for a higher card.
After changing the card, the system will delete all accumulated points to 0.
For customers who already have a VIP card, the accumulated points will not increase anymore.
Do not accumulate points when using discount codes.
(*) In case of problems related to Membership Card, the decision of P.A will be final


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